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Lost statue from Titanic's first

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About Lost statue from Titanic's first-class lounge rediscovered by researchersNew photos showing RMS Tita...

Lost statue from Titanic's first-class lounge rediscovered by researchers

New photos showing RMS Titanic decay as well as 'Diana of Versailles' statue are unveiled

Ashley J. DiMellaBy Ashley J. DiMella Published

"RMS Titanic, Inc. is thrilled to share the first images and remarkable discoveries from our 2024 Expedition," Tomasina Ray, RMS Titanic, Inc. director of collections, said in a news release. "The discovery of the statue of Diana was an exciting moment. But we are saddened by the loss of the iconic Bow railing and other evidence of decay which has only strengthened our commitment to preserving Titanic’s legacy."

titanic statue


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