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Meet Ramogi Huma, whose decades

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About Meet Ramogi Huma, whose decades-long crusade for fairness in college athletics is finally coming to ...

Meet Ramogi Huma, whose decades-long crusade for fairness in college athletics is finally coming to fruition

If you don't know his name, you certainly know what he has wrought

            Dennis Dodd
By Dennis Dodd • 9 min read
    Getty Images

    It was a team meeting you'd never want to be a part of. Ramogi Huma was a wide-eyed prospect from Covina, California, in the mid-1990s absorbing the ground rules for playing at UCLA.

    "They called them voluntary workouts, but they clearly weren't voluntary," said Huma, a linebacker who went on to grab all of two career interceptions. "When we were told that the NCAA had a rule that, should we be injured during summer workouts, UCLA was prohibited from paying for our medical expenses, that was a big deal for me."

    So big that something clicked. Something bigger than himself and, ultimately, bigger than the NCAA and college athletics.

    A players' rights movement was born. A quarter of a century later, Huma is college athletics' chief activist. The title, well, we just gave him that because the folks he antagonizes certainly won't.


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